
Digital Photography

Digital Narrative: A Bad Case of Stripes

This series is meant to be seven snapshots that convey the story of a iconic, childhood classic, “A Bad Case of Stripes” by David Shannon. Each separate image was extremely detailed in every step of the way from the preparation, shooting and post editing in order for them to be identifiable to the iconic story. The images were deliberately structured and shot to convey a variety of feelings of shocked, depressed and relieved. The series utilized these emotions along with the staging, shooting and editing to portray the plot of a young girl and her fight with a case of bad stripes that can only be cured with a can of lima beans. However, the digital narrative also depicted a deeper and more personal theme of sticking true to who you are and loving yourself as no one is ever able to please everyone.

Travel Photography

This collection is a compilation of images from various locations around the world. This series of photos could be considered more of a passion project than a documentary.

Film Photography

Seasonal Textures Series

This collection of work was intended to experiment with lack of color and increased texture. These photos were shot and developed with the hopes of adding a stronger textile aspect to the image through the use of increased contrast on true black and true white.


This short series was shot with experimental intentions in mind. The small collection came from a single roll of film that aimed to capture portrait style photos with a specific focus on finding the highlights in these fleeting, authentic moments.

Perspective and Window Series

This series was created with the intent to capture a unique take on perspective. People see things in a different lights and frames of mind, however all referring to the aspect that people see things differently based on their own perspective of life. This concept was something the series aimed to capture by utilizing varying different lights and light sources, as well as physically utilizing different frames.